About this site
Gods and Multiplexers is an independent publication / blog launched in December 2024 by Emily Dresner (aka multiplexer). If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website and email newsletters about new content when available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Gods and Multiplexers to continue to exist. Thank you!
I've moved to Bluesky.
About Me
I just like to write about things that interest me. If they interest you, too, then you can follow along.
Things I've Written
I wrote like mad for 5 years, 1999 - 2004. I quit writing after the implosion with GOO in 2004 and didn't return to it until 2015 – a hiatus of 11 years. I have been off and on with another break due to COVID and working for evil.
Swords of the Serpentine (2019, Pelgrane Press) Ennie Winner, 2023: Best Writing (Gold), Best Setting (Silver)
Lots of Dungeonomics at Critical Hits (2015 until current)
The Book of Changing Years (2017, Pelgrane Press)
(the big hiatus)
BESM Revolutionary Girl Utena: the Rose Collection (2004, Guardians of Order)
Dark Ages: Inquisitor (2002, White Wolf)
Dharma Book: Resplendent Cranes for Kindred of the East (2002, White Wolf)
In Nomine: Superiors 4 (2002, Steve Jackson Games)
Tenchi Universe (2002, Guardians of Order)
Tenchi in Tokyo (2002, Guardians of Order)
Cute and Fuzzy Seizure Monsters (2001, Guardians of Order)
Liber Servitorum: the Book of Servants (1999, Steve Jackson Games)
In Nomine: the Book of Tethers (1999, Steve Jackson Games)
In Nomine: Superiors 1: War and Honor (1999, Steve Jackson Games)
Pyramid Columnist for Steve Jackson Games, ~1999-2000
I figured all this out because I looked myself up on Goodreads. I don't have copies of most of these games anymore. One of them I never saw the finished product.
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